The Clock Is Ticking. . . .


In less than three days, Margaret & I will be flying to Portugal. I decided to start this blog before we leave, setting it up here in the USA - rather than taking time away from gallivanting and wandering to set up the blog. 

Our route from June 10 to July 10 is fairly clear, although any travel planner must acknowledge that plans change. We fly into Lisbon first. We'll be attending a wedding in Cascais, a small city not far from Lisbon.

 We'll be in Cascais until June 13, when we take a train to Madrid. After a few days there, we'll be taking trains to Barcelona. The following week, we'll travel to Bilbao, again by train. In Bilbao, we'll be renting a car and drive through mountains and ocean-side roads to the Atlantic Coast, staying a night in Fisterra before we return the car in Santiago de Compostela. We'll take some sort of public transit to Portugal. We have a couple of nights in Guimares, a small city that is known as the "birthplace of Portugal," before we take a train back to Lisbon, where we have the better part of a week before we fly home. 

Of course, we wish that we had more time, but we are prepared to make the best of our journey. We've done the background, reading and language study. (I'm excited about being on a trip where we will be immersed in - or at least exposed to - four different languages - Portuguese, Spanish, Catalan, and Euskera


  1. Man, I'm jealous. I've always wanted to go to Portugal and check out the American ex-pat scene.

  2. Looks like Margaret can fit through the bars.....I know you can, Eric, but who knows what lurks behind that wall?


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